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Punk is a subculture that emerged in the 1970s in the US and the UK that promoted the importance of individual liberty and self-expression. It rejected ideologies like authoritarianism, consumerism and greed, and conformist culture. From new music genres like punk rock to new hairstyles and fashion trends, Punk paved the way for out-of-the-box ways for people to reinvent themselves and the culture that they indulge in. Some questions that can lead your writing and art are: what does reinvention mean to you? Does art need to conform to certain standards and certain cultural expectations? What does it mean to exist outside all the boxes? How can art help you break apart normalcy? 


Remember: Pieces do not need to adhere to the theme. No submission will be accepted or refused based on adherence to the theme. 


Submission Guidelines

Semicolon and Symposium run bi-annually, meaning that submissions will reopen at the beginning of each term. Any creative works, visual art, or essays that have been submitted for consideration outside Symposium and Semicolon MUST be disclosed!


All submissions must be e-mailed to in accordance with the criteria outlined below by February 9th. Feel free to contact us here for any general questions/comments/concerns!


Symposium aims to showcase the best creative work by students at Western -- we accept any form of creative writing and visual art. 

Multimedia submissions are welcome, but please keep in mind that this is a print publication.


Submission Details:


  • Subject Line:  Spring 2024 Symposium Submission


  • Maximum word count: 1500


  • Only submissions that include name, pronouns, program, and medium / dimensions of the work (applicable only for physical/visual artwork) will be considered. Any missing information will immediately disqualify your submission.


  • Write your name as you would like it to appear in Symposium.


  • Submit written pieces in .docx format.


  • Artists may include any social media handles they would like to have attached to their piece.


  • For art submissions, please ensure the image quality is as high as possible. Please include medium (oil painting, photography, etc.) and dimensions (in inches) for each submission. If your works of art are not titled, make sure to identify the submissions as “untitled.”


NEW: Semicolon is now accepting French essays!


Semicolon aims to showcase the best writing and thinking by students at Western -- we are looking for the provocative, for the considered, for the critical analysis of our world and the stories we tell ourselves about it.


Although Semicolon primarily publishes essays, we may consider other academic work that pushes the boundaries of traditional academic conventions, so long as it ultimately represents a significant exercise in critical thought / analysis.


Submission Details


  • Subject Line: Spring 2024 Semicolon Submission


  • Maximum word count: 2500


  • Only submissions that include name, pronouns, program, course code, grade and a ‘works cited’/bibliography will be considered. Any missing information will immediately disqualify your submission.


  • Write your name as you would like it to appear in Semicolon.


  • Essays must have been written for an A&H course on main campus/an affiliate.


  • Essays must have received a grade of 80% or higher.


  • A works cited page (MLA) must be included at the end of the essay unless specified that the essay contains no borrowed material.


  • Students should incorporate professor/TA feedback on their essay in their submission.

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